Sunday 19 May 2024

Is the cloud benefiting IT, but not business?

I read an interesting article published in InfoWorld by David Linthicum titled "The cloud is benefiting IT, but not business"  which got me thinking.

Cloud computing is often seen as the panacea and solution to all business IT problems. 

I've often thought that maybe this is an over simplification. 

Essentially one could argue that Cloud Computing is a form of Mainframe Computing. But so is on-pemises terminal server based computing.

Thought provoking piece!

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Are you ready for the 26th August 2024?

Is your business ready?

We're heading back to the '70s with Labor's anti-business and anti-employment legislation.

26th August 2024 is the date for Labor's anti-business and anti-employment legislation to take effect.

Albanese/Chalmers 1.0 is Whitlam/Cairns 2.0 and has not even a smidgeon of resemblance to Hawke/Keating

The Winners

  • Industrial Relations lawyers
  • Big business
  • Unions
  • IT developers

The Losers

  • Small business
  • Casual employees
  • Sub-contractors

My Predictions

I'll stick my neck out with the following predictions;

  • Businesses will reduce their headcount
  • Business Managers will automate where possible
  • Many business functions will move offshore where possible
  • Private investment will decline
  • Foreign investment will decline
  • Sovereign risk will be more of an issue as Federal and State Governments interfere with the economy
  • Many businesses will close
  • Inflation will rise
  • Unemployment will increase
  • Mortgage defaults will increase
  • The AUD will collapse once mining takes a dive

Throw in the economy destroying energy policies and the brake on productivity (it hasn't been good for a while in OZ) and China's slowdown, a volatile international situation and we have a perfect storm on the horizon.

Investment in (appropriate) technology, training and marketing may allow your business to survive.

Sadly, the majority of our politicians and union leaders live in a land of privileged delusion. Most have never actually worked for a living and obviously believe that Norman Lindsay's Magic Pudding is real and an economics guideline. 

Good luck.

Friday 5 January 2024

Spectacular Phone at a spectacular price!

 I had to purchase a new phone in December 23. My Nokia 6.2 Android phone had served me well but was starting to drop calls and lose messages.

Frankly, being the tight-arse that I am I refuse to pay too much for a phone. 

My requirements:

Costs less the AUD$300

Android 12+

Be from a reputable manufacturer.

After researching different brands, I settled on the Aspera R10 (running Android 13) from the Australian company Aspera.

While Aspera are better known for their "seniors" phones they do have a solid reputation.

The Aspera R10 is a rugged phone, targeted at people who work in environments where a smartphone is subjected to heat, dust, and water (e.g. Electricians, plumbers, etc). 

After nearly a month's use of the phone I have to report that the performance is brilliant, the screen very easy to read, the cameras are good, and the battery life is excellent.

The link to the phone and its specifications: 

Aspera R10 Details

Aspera R10

The biggest difficulty is finding a retailer who sells the phone. I purchased mine from an eBay retailer called gadget.point - it was delivered promptly and was in the official shrink-wrapped box from Aspera.

For a robust inexpensive yet powerful phone I'd strongly recommend the Aspera R10.


Is the cloud benefiting IT, but not business?

I read an interesting article published in InfoWorld by David Linthicum titled " The cloud is benefiting IT, but not business"   w...